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Biblioteca Koraes


Biblioteca Koraes din Chios este una dintre cele mai importante biblioteci regionale din Grecia. Fondata de catre membrii Scolii Ortodoxe din Chios si functionand sub directivele vechii scoli faimoase din Chios(1792). Adamantios Koraes a fost cel care a fondat biblioteca, astfel astazi biblioteca purtand-ui numele si lucrand independent in 1928.

Materialul initial al bibliotecii a fost distrus complet in timpul masacrului din chios in 1822. Reconstructia bibliotecii a inceput concurent cu functionarea gimnaziului din Chios(1839). Scoala Ortodoxa din Chios a contribuit la constructia cladirii neoclasice de astazi renovata de catre familia Argentis in 1948 si in 1978.

Koraes' books and manuscripts constitute the basic core of the library, whereas I.M. Andreadis' library was later incorporated to this core in 1858. Besides, a great number of Chian literary figures granted to the library a significant number of volumes, such as the  especially significant contribution of the Argentis family toward the enrichment of the library ( books, paintings, maps, valuable articles etc.).

More than a hundred thousand volumes, significant old impressions and rare publications are now found in the Koraes Library. Famous manuscripts, codes, maps, pictures, designs, photographs and a newspaper periodical archive add to the breadth of the library's collection. Specially designed exhibition areas host a large collection of Folk-art articles of the former Argentis Society and a rich collection of paintings and valuables of the Argentis Family. At present , the Koraes Library is still being enriched with volumes and various other materials though private grants and subsidies from the public sector. It serves researchers, readers and numerous visitors in the library and the mobile lending unit and it provides an interesting tour through its popular art museum and picture gallery.

Pentru mai multe informatii vizitati: www.koraeslibrary.gr