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Last Updated on 22 September 2011

Aghio Apostoloi

Location: Pyrgi

The church belongs to the insular octagonal domed type. It is a small reproduction of the catholicon (main church) Nea Moni and it is a very well preserved Byzantine monument, richly decorated outside with brick patterns (denticulated bands, phialostomia, brick arches). Antonios Domestichos, Kenygos, from Crete made the interior which is covered with wall paintings in 1665.

The monk Symeon, according to an inscription over the main entrance of the church, who later became the metropolitan bishop of Chios, erected the church "from its foundations" in 1564. However, this probably refers to a renovation of the monument, since its architectural and morphological features point to the conclusion that it was erected in the middle of the 14th century. In 1985, began restoration of the wall paintings of the church and this is still in progress.

The monument is open to the public and it is used for religious purposes only on June 29 when is St. Peter and St. Paul's day.


From November 1st to March 31: Daily: 08:30 - 15:00, Monday: closed

From July 1st to October 31: Daily: 08.30 - 15.00, Monday: closed